Biomedical concepts and processes that form the functions of the human body occur at a micro level. People often struggle to understand the scale of cells and biochemical reactions that occur in the human body in relation to the overall size of the human body. New advances in 3D modelling can utilise research in the field of Biosciences to develop 3D models of the body, cells and processes.
In app menu with animated cell
In app menu with animated cell
Bubbles lego character
Bubbles lego character
Custom 3D Neuron Cell
Custom 3D Neuron Cell
Custom animation of 3D synapse model
Custom animation of 3D synapse model
The Expanding cell app concept was developed with 2 other Team members. Our team utilised the virtual environment to create a Lego model character that represents a macro human body, and then allowed the user to zoom deeper into the cells and the chemical processes of that cell.

I developed a Lego model of the power Puff Girl character Bubbles that represented the macro for the brain as I thought her character was smart. I then developed a model of a Neuron Cell in 3DS Max and an animation of the synaptic interaction for the various levels of magnification. The user menu items were also animated programmatically in unity by me with graphics created.