- native iOS app developed for iPhone 11 in Swift
The app was designed as a conversion tool for iOS to convert between various units of measure of a given type.

It implements an object based modular design wrapping the measurement class provided by swift into a class responsible for holding and manipulating conversions. This acts as a model that the view controller for that specific conversion type can interact with. Satisfying the MVC framework for each converter subclass included in the app.

At a higher level the app implements a coordinator pattern to manage each conversion MVC (e.g. speed, temperature). This allows the app to become future extensible if additional converters are required by simply adding an additional MVC and class.

A design challenge I set myself was to develop a single navigation button that was within the interaction range of a right handed user’s thumb. This interaction design trend utilises UX understanding of the range of a thumb in relation to the single handed use of a device.

Conversion of distance and access to tap menu
Conversion of distance and access to tap menu
Other conversions and the custom keyboard
Other conversions and the custom keyboard