Menu, with easy vs hard toggled
Menu, with easy vs hard toggled
Identify one dog
Identify one dog
Identify the breed out of 3
Identify the breed out of 3
Search your favourite breed and view all their pics
Search your favourite breed and view all their pics
- native Android App with gamification
The challenge was to create an app that gamifies open-source information relating to 120 different dog breeds. It would allow the user 3 primary interactions, guess the dog, identify the correct breed in a set of 3 and lastly browsing of all dog breeds to allow the user to become more familiar with dog breeds. The app is native and implements my design and a style guide.

It scales to different android devices sizes to allow for maximum device compatibility. It was developed utilising Java and class objects of type dog.

The project challenged me on the development aspect relating to randomisation of dogs, scaling and displaying messages to the user.